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Children Wellness Sessions


My wellness sessions are life-changing, seeing so many results in only a few sessions is amazing,

Parveen x


I offer specialised coaching and guidance sessions for children. I understand the importance of addressing their emotional and mental well-being, and my hands-on approach ensures a personalised experience for each child. I am trained to work with children on their unique developmental levels, providing the support they need to overcome challenges and thrive.


I can help with many concerns including:


Sleep Troubles: Is your child having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep? I will work closely with you and your child to identify the underlying causes of their sleep issues and provide effective strategies to promote healthy sleeping habits.


Colic and Discontent Babies: Dealing with a colicky or discontent baby can be challenging for parents. I will help you navigate this phase by providing techniques and support to soothe your baby and improve their overall well-being.


Anxiety and Worries: Children often experience anxiety and worries that can affect their daily lives. I aim to empower children to manage their anxiety effectively, develop coping mechanisms, and building resilience.


Specialised Support: Parveen has experience in working with various conditions such as bedwetting/no bladder control, headaches, OCD, and autism. Providing personalised assistance to help children overcome these challenges, fostering their growth and development.


Face-to-Face Treatment: I believe in the power of direct interaction when working with children. My wellness sessions take place in person, ensuring that your child receives the individual attention they need in a safe and nurturing environment.


Unlocking "Magic" Superpowers: I approach my sessions with a touch of magic, helping children tap into their own unique strengths and abilities. By utilising their "superpowers," I aim to empower children to achieve positive outcomes and overcome their challenges. Whether it's conquering bedwetting or managing anxiety, we strive to make the process engaging and fun for children.


Get Started: If you're ready to provide your child with the support they need, we're here to help. Reach out to me today to schedule an appointment and begin your child's journey towards emotional and mental well-being.


Your investment:


£499.00 (under 12's) for 4 sessions with Practitioner Parveen


£799.00 (over 12's) for 4 sessions with Practitioner Parveen


£299.00 for 3 sessions with Practitioner Alysha 


Adult Wellness



I help my clients with instantaneous recovery. They feel more relaxed, emotionally and physically.

Parveen x


I understand the challenges that many adults face when dealing with various emotional and physical conditions. I am dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment where individuals can find relief, healing and empowerment.


My wellness sessions are designed to address a wide array of concerns, including anxiety, phobias (such as the fear of eating in public) and physical ailments such as heart conditions, insomnia, and high blood pressure.


For those struggling with emotional well-being, I offer specialised therapies for stress management, anger/rage issues, war trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and night terrors. I am experienced and skilled in helping individuals navigate through challenging times and find inner peace.


If you or someone you know is dealing with addiction, I provide comprehensive support for drug addiction recovery. I am committed to assisting individuals on their journey to sobriety and helping them build a healthier, more fulfilling life.


Eating disorders can be incredibly challenging but I offer a range of therapies tailored to support individuals struggling with these conditions. I understand the complexities of eating disorders and work closely with clients to foster a positive relationship with food and their bodies.


I also provide support to those undergoing medical treatments such as stroke recovery, cancer treatment, heart conditions, major surgery, and chronic conditions like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. My sessions are designed to complement medical care and provide emotional support during these challenging times.


Face-to-Face Treatment: My wellness sessions tend to take place in person in a safe and nurturing environment, however I have provide support to many people over video calls.


Get Started: Whether you are seeking support for yourself or a loved one, I am here to assist you on your journey toward healing and well-being. Contact me today to schedule a session and take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow.


Your investment:


£799.00 (over 12's) for 4 sessions with Practitioner Parveen


£299.00 for 3 sessions with Practitioner Alysha 


Sarah Jones

When I met Parveen I was at a loss with how to help my 4 year old sleep better. After 1 session he started staying his bed all night after previously getting up and coming into us. Now when he wakes up in the night, he let's us reassure him in his bed. I'm now feel like I'm getting a decent amount of sleep and for that I'm very grateful.

Joan Davies

Since my rib cage injury 6 days ago I have been sleeping in a recliner chair. After a session with Parveen I am now back in my bed!
You are amazing.

Jason Smith

I've come off my anxierty medication at night, steadily improving. I am so happy I'm not constantly driven by my anxiety anymore.
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